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Welcome to the Enzian Clinic Metzingen

Modern treatments in a friendly and patient-oriented atmosphere

The Enzian Clinic Metzingen: your partner for dental implants, oral and maxillofacial surgery and cosmetic procedures in the Swabian Alb biosphere area.

Our promises:

  • Naturally beautiful
    using substances from nature or your own body
  • Stringent hygiene & quality standards
    for your safety
  • Patient-oriented treatment
    to ensure you feel at ease
  • Low-radiation 3D imaging
    for predictable results
  • Conservative surgery supported by microscopes
    precise and minimally invasive
  • Modern laser medicine
    as an alternative to the scalpel

About the Clinic

Your one-stop practice for detailed advice on every aspect of your face! From minimally invasive techniques to complex procedures, we offer a wide portfolio of treatments.

The physicians and dentists here at the Enzian Clinic are your facial treatment experts. The Enzian Clinic specialises in surgical procedures with a particular focus on dental implants and aesthetic facial surgery. A special interior design concept, in-house quality management and stringent hygiene standards guarantee successful and safe results in the long term. All procedures are performed on a routine basis and with the utmost care. Experienced surgeons use state-of-the-art diagnostics to advise you in a partnership approach.

“Our top priority is to create an atmosphere of trust that ensures you feel completely at ease with us. We will be more than happy to discuss your personal concerns with you.”
Doctors Martin Pfeifle, Simon Werz and Marilena Lausegger and the team

For more information about the Enzian Clinic, visit our website or follow us on Social Media:

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Facial surgeons on YouTube

Treatments available in Metzingen


Dental implants

Fixed implants to more closely replicate natural teeth


Anti-wrinkle injections

Fresh appearance in 15 to 30 minutes


Eyelid surgery

Alert eyes in 60 to 90 minutes


Breast and body surgery


In-office bleaching

Bright white teeth in 30 to 60 minutes


Hair Transplants

Consultation, procedure and aftercare directly in Metzingen


Dental implants

Fixed implants to more closely replicate natural teeth


Anti-wrinkle injections

Fresh appearance in 15 to 30 minutes


Eyelid surgery

Alert eyes in 60 to 90 minutes


Breast and body surgery


In-office bleaching

Bright white teeth in 30 to 60 minutes


Hair Transplants

Consultation, procedure and aftercare directly in Metzingen

Treatments in detail

Dental surgery

Dental implants (from €1,000) – New natural-looking teeth in 30 to 60 minutes:
From the traditional titanium implant to more recent treatment options such as immediate restorations, ceramic implants, ‘all on four’ or mini implants, our wide treatment spectrum ensures we can find the perfect solution for your needs. We will also be happy to coordinate follow-up treatment with your dentist and arrange the appropriate after-care.

Bone augmentation (from €1,000) – to allow the insertion of dental implants even in difficult situations, in 30 to 60 minutes:
Whether traditional bone augmentation or natural augmentation using grafts from the patient’s body, we can find a solution to enable fixed dental implants or a secure removable restoration. Thanks to our close cooperation with dentists in the local region, we offer you the benefit of a smooth process and transition.

Wisdom teeth (covered by medical insurance) – gently and safely in 10 to 30 minutes:
We take the utmost care even with minor procedures to minimise swelling and pain after treatment. We also offer the option of sedation or anaesthesia for all procedures.

Facial surgery

Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) (from €1,500) – fresh appearance with more alert eyes in 45 to 90 minutes:
A person's eyes show us very clearly whether he or she is fully rested and fit. A minor procedure – upper eyelid lift – or the slightly more complex lower eyelid lift can significantly improve facial radiance, making you appear more alert and positive. Slight swelling is visible for up to 7 days after the procedure. The final result is visible 8 to 12 weeks after the treatment.

Ear correction (from €3,200, covered by medical insurance in some cases) – modification of shape and position in 60 to 120 minutes:
Different techniques are used in combination to achieve a lastingly stable, predictable and aesthetic result. Treatment costs for children are often covered by medical insurance. Slight swelling is visible for up to 7 days after the procedure. The final result is visible 8 to 12 weeks after the treatment.

Nose correction (from €8,400, covered by medical insurance in some cases) – the harmonious centre of your face, in 60 to 120 minutes:
Whether your concern is a broken nose, a nasal obstruction or aesthetics, we will discuss the most appropriate treatment plan with you and do our utmost to achieve a perfect, aesthetic result. Slight swelling is visible for up to 10 days after the procedure. The final result is visible 8 to 12 weeks after the treatment.

Hair Transplants

Hair transplant (starting at € 2,499)
Hair thickening and hair transplantation: With everything in one place from the consultation to the treatment and beyond to the aftercare, you are in good hands at our practice. The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique harvests the grafts point by point and results in natural, permanent hair without causing any lineal scarring.

Hair regeneration with PRP treatment (starting at € 299)
PRP treatment (platelet-rich plasma) involves taking blood from the patient, preparing it and then injecting it in the hair follicle area. This promotes natural hair regeneration and growth. The technique can be combined with FUE and is also conducted directly in our practice.

Face Aesthetics

Home bleaching (from €250) – with professional dental trays to whiten teeth at home in 20 minutes:
The first step is a dental check-up. This is followed by a personal consultation, after which you will be given a professional bleaching kit with instructions for use at home.

In-office bleaching (from €200) – high-quality treatment administered by a dentist for immediately whiter teeth in 30 to 60 minutes:
Our procedure offers the advantage of whiter teeth directly after the treatment. No additional dental trays or further treatments are required at home. Our procedure achieves very good results in just 20 to 45 minutes in a controlled process. Additives ensure good tolerance and remineralisation of the teeth. A dental check-up is then carried out on completion of the bleaching. We work closely with the dentists in our local region. On request, we can discuss any issues with your own dentist and coordinate follow-up care.

Anti-wrinkle treatment with botulinum toxin (from €200) – carefree and rested appearance in 15 to 30 minutes:
This low-risk procedure can achieve very natural-looking results in removing worry lines, in particular around the eyes and on the forehead. Many other discreet applications can also be used to positively influence facial expression and radiance. The final result is visible 10 to 14 days after the treatment; patients are almost always able to go out in public straight away.

Breast and Body Surgery

Breast augmentation: (starting at 6,700 Euros) – shapely and individually flattering size for female breasts in 60 min:
An augmentation of the breast via implants and/or autologous fat grafting will increase harmony in the body image and body positivity. There are many reasons to have breast augmentation surgery, such as volume deficit after pregnancy or weight loss, asymmetry or naturally small breasts.

Breast reduction: (Starting at 6,800 Euros) – Breast reduction and lift for comfort and well-formed shape in 60 -120 min:
Reducing the breast size with or without a lift via surgery is in the truest sense of the word an enlightenment for the patients and often results in an increase of life quality. The surgery techniques used depend upon the individual wishes of the patient, the size of the breast and nature of the connective tissue. We will answer all your questions, select the course of surgery together with you and explain the planned incisions to be made and resulting scarring in a thorough consultation appointment. The goal is to reach a harmonious result in accordance with the patient’s wishes with as little scarring as possible.

Surgery for the male breast: (Starting at 6,800 Euros) – the path to a more male chest in 60 - 120 min:
There are several differing causes that lead to enlargements of the male chest appearing similar to the female breast. For example, pseudogynecomastia is a condition where excessive fat is stored in the male breasts. With excessive skin and fat tissue, depending on the size of the breast and nature of the connective tissue, liposuction, lifting of the skin around the nipple, or a combination of the procedures with additional lifting of the chest area may be necessary. The goal is to recreate a male appearance of the chest. We are happy to discuss the available operation procedures and the best fitting treatment for you in a thorough consultation appointment.