• 지금 폐점

영업 시간

월요일 - 목요일:
오전 10:00 - 오후 8:00 시
오전 10:00 - 오후 9:00 시
오전 9:00 - 오후 8:00 시

특별 영업 시간

24. 12. 24
24. 12. 31
Christmas Eve
New Year's Eve
10:00 - 14:00 시
10:00 - 16:00 시
다음 연휴에는 아웃렛 매장이 쉽니다.:
24. 10. 3
24. 11. 1
24. 12. 25
24. 12. 26
독일 통일의 날
모든 성인 대축일
성탄절 (12월 25일)
성탄절 이튿날 (12월 26일)


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Club Angebote

OUTLETCITY CLUB: Exclusive offers for members only

Shopping Pass

Permanent -10 % with participating brands: Shopping Pass

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Outletcity Club

Outletcity Club

Manage your exclusive benefits for CLUB Members, redeem rewards and much more.

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Online Shop

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Outletcity Club

Outletcity Club

Manage your exclusive benefits for CLUB Members, redeem rewards and much more.

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Navigate directly to the store, get an overview of stores, services & gastronomy and check the parking situation.

Online Shop

Access our Online Shop

Get exclusive app-only offers on the Online Shop right in your pocket.

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