The extraordinary fashion of the Desigual brand makes it so popular.
The extraordinary fashion of the Desigual brand makes it so popular. Creative designs with colorful patterns exude pure joy of life and at the same time offer high quality.
Creative designs with colorful patterns exude pure joy of life and at the same time offer high quality.
Desigual is characterized by its distinctive, optimistic, and colorful designs. The brand began operations in 1984, and La Vida es Chula is its slogan and the way it interprets fashion and life. An enthusiastic, positive, optimistic message that really nails our colors to the mast. This phrase explains Desigual’s raison d’etre and is enshrined in our DNA and the values it reflects. It’s a manifesto that describes how to face the world each day and is reflected in a fun, fresh and original way of dressing in clothing made with a passion. Desigual is currently present in 109 countries with over 425 retail stores, 11,000 multi-brand stores, 2500 corner concessions in department stores and online stores in 20 countries. In 2013 the fashion brand sold over 26 million garments worldwide through its different sales channels.