The premium brand Marc O'Polo, founded in Sweden, demonstrates responsibility towards the environment and society with its high-quality casual wear. The exclusive use of natural materials is part of the brand's mission statement. In the Marc O'Polo Outlet, both women and men are guaranteed to find what they are looking for on two floors.

The exclusive use of natural materials is part of the brand's mission statement. In the Marc O'Polo Outlet, both women and men are guaranteed to find what they are looking for on two floors.

Marc O'Polo on the Online Shop¹


Premium casual wear in the Marc O’Polo outlet

Marc O’Polo stands for an urban, laid-back lifestyle with high aspirations. The preference for natural materials is part of the brand's Swedish origin. The Marc O'Polo outlet in Metzingen offers a whole floor of high-quality casual wear for men and women. Fashion-conscious consumers and quality-aware individualists will find shoes, bags and accessories as well as clothes in the Marc O'Polo sale. The range of Marc O'Polo clothing includes the Marc O’Polo Modern Casual Women's and Menswear collections and also ranges of junior fashion, underwear, beachwear, legwear, shoes, accessories, eyewear, watches, jewellery and fragrance.

The guiding theme at Marc O’Polo is natural materials

Today, Marc O’Polo is one of the most sought-after fashion labels in the premium casual wear segment.
The Marco O'Polo story begins in Sweden from where the company rapidly achieved international success. Marc O'Polo was founded in Stockholm in 1967 by the Swedes Rolf Lind and Göte Huss, and the American Jerry O'Sheets. The success of the brand is based on a fantastic idea the three founders had: "To use only natural materials such as cotton, wool, linen and silk to guarantee the modern casual look which Marc O'Polo stands for. We only use synthetic materials when we have to.

Marc O’Polo demonstrates a responsible attitude to the environment and to society

At Marc O’Polo, environmental protection is a way of life and is taken into account in the creative processes and in decision-making. Only sustainable products are manufactured; recycling options are a factor in the choice of packaging materials. The stores are constructed with an eye to energy-saving and environmental considerations. Office equipment and furniture is resource and energy-saving. And how are the products transported to the Marc O'Polo shop? It goes without saying: in environmentally compatible vehicles.

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Marc O'Polo Outlet Store**

영업 시간

모든 영업 시간


Reutlinger Straße 38
D-72555 Metzingen

+49 (0) 7123 200591

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*제조업체의 권장 소매가와 비교하여 절약한 금액(있는 경우)의 비율입니다.
** Marc O'Polo Outlet Store Metzingen - 운영사 : Marc O´Polo Einzelhandels GmbH | Hofgartenstraße 1 | D-83071 Stephanskirchen
¹ 온라인 상점은 독일어로만 제공됩니다. 독일, 오스트리아, 스위스에서 배송이 가능합니다.