• 지금 폐점

영업 시간

월요일 - 목요일:
오전 10:00 - 오후 8:00 시
오전 10:00 - 오후 9:00 시
오전 9:00 - 오후 8:00 시

특별 영업 시간

24. 12. 24
24. 12. 31
Christmas Eve
New Year's Eve
10:00 - 14:00 시
10:00 - 16:00 시
다음 연휴에는 아웃렛 매장이 쉽니다.:
24. 10. 3
24. 11. 1
24. 12. 25
24. 12. 26
독일 통일의 날
모든 성인 대축일
성탄절 (12월 25일)
성탄절 이튿날 (12월 26일)


The Outletcity App

Create your own personalised shopping experience at OUTLETCTY METZINGEN with the OUTLETCITY APP and enjoy premium and luxury brands amongst prize-winning architecture in an inner-city ambience.

Interactive 3D-map

Keep a good overview of all of our stores, cuisine & services thanks to the 3D representation of our city. Use the search & filter functions and also check the current parking availability

Offers from our brands

Get all the current offers and promotions from our brands at a glance

Outletcity Club

Enjoy exclusive benefits as a Club member: Collect rewards points by scanning your receipts, park free for one hour in our park houses & much more…

Shop around the clock

Not in Metzingen? No problem! Discover over 350 premium and luxury brands in our Online Shop
