We have moved. We welcome you in our new Roberto Cavalli store at Reutlinger Str. 67 .
Roberto Cavalli
RRP € 1,250.00
€ 813.00
Women's shoes in various colors
2025-2-6 - 2025-3-31
For only € 813.00 instead of € 1,250.00 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Roberto Cavalli
RRP € 1,850.00
€ 1,268.00
Women's bag gemustert
2025-2-6 - 2025-3-31
For only € 1,268.00 instead of € 1,250.00 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Roberto Cavalli
RRP € 1,250.00
€ 813.00
Women's shoes in various colors
2025-2-6 - 2025-4-30
For only € 813.00 instead of € 1,250.00 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Roberto Cavalli
RRP € 2,500.00
€ 1,625.00
Women's coat patterned
2025-2-6 - 2025-4-6
For only € 1,625.00 instead of € 2,500.00 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Roberto Cavalli
RRP € 450.00
€ 293.00
Men's shirt patterned
2025-2-6 - 2025-4-6
For only € 293.00 instead of € 450.00 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
奢华、精致、无可挑剔的Roberto Cavalli奥特莱斯服饰
华丽的设计、富有表现力的图案和创新。在靠近斯图加特的 Roberto Cavalli 奥特莱斯店探索奇妙的时装和精致的男女香水。
品牌颂扬意大利文化,把每一种造型都化身为个性宣言。Roberto Cavalli 的风格是擅长将不同图案和面料搭配运用。在国际品牌的大量独家系列中汲取灵感,以折扣价购买。
在 Roberto Cavalli 男女装特卖会上购买彰显个性的时装
品牌成立于 70 年代,成立后不久就登上巴黎的秀场。从那时起,全球对Cavalli的奢华男女装的兴趣与日俱增。从浪漫之夜的完美礼服,到令人兴奋的图案衬衫,让魅力倍增——Roberto Cavalli奢华的服装,
让每一个造型都引人注目。Roberto Cavalli还以一款百搭的香水而闻名。
光临位于麦琴根名品村中心位置的Roberto Cavali店铺,找寻让你灵感焕发的新穿搭。
Roberto Cavalli品牌客群广泛,提供多种不同造型的高品质服饰,无论是年轻自由,还是奢华精致——这个全球知名品牌的不同系列为每个衣橱注入新鲜空气。每个人都能找到适合自己的东西。得益于华丽的审美、
野生动物图案和奢华的系列,这个时尚品牌被很好的诠释,拥有无可挑剔的外观。这些备受喜爱的单品现已在 Roberto Cavalli 奥特莱斯店以折扣价发售。为一个难忘的夜晚寻找完美的着装——优雅奢华的装扮值得信赖!
Roberto Cavalli Outlet Store**
** Roberto Cavalli Outlet Store Metzingen - 运营商: Roberto Cavalli S.p.A. | Piazza San Babila, 3 | 20122 Mailand, Italien