Bahlsen is the leading manufacturer of sweet cookies in Europe and enjoys great popularity with young and old.
In the Bahlsen Outlet in Metzingen you can expect not only the Bahlsen classics, but also special editions and much more.
In the Bahlsen Outlet in Metzingen you can expect not only the Bahlsen classics, but also special editions and much more.
Leibniz @ Bahlsen
RRP € 2.29
€ 1.69
Leibniz Minis
2025-2-25 - 2025-3-31
Leibniz Minis in many variations available in the Bahlsen Outlet for only € 1.69 instead of € 2.29 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Leibniz @ Bahlsen
RRP € 1.89
€ 0.99
Leibniz Zoo 125g
2025-3-28 - 2025-3-28
For only € 0.99 instead of € 1.89 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
百乐顺Bahlsen 奥特莱斯店:了解132年的烘焙艺术
在靠近斯图加特的麦琴根名品村的品牌折扣店,每个人都可以亲身体验百乐顺的世界,并以优惠的价格购买种类丰富的商品。如同工厂直销店一样,您可以在这里找到大量的百乐顺的经典款产品、特别款产品和季节性产品,以及我们的旗舰产品Leibiz, PiCK UP! 还有更多美食。快来光临百乐顺奥特莱斯店,享受独特的氛围,感受超值优惠带来的乐趣。
漫步在麦琴根名品村,享受经典的Leibniz黄油曲奇饼干或是巧克力夹心饼干PiCK UP! 您一定会在百乐顺奥特莱斯店找到适合自己口味的商品。无论是精致的蛋糕、美味的曲奇、不同种类的精致点心、美味的华夫饼,您都可以自己享用这些美味的食品,或将欢乐传递给您所爱的人!
** Bahlsen Outlet Store Metzingen - 运营商: Bahlsen GmbH & Co. KG | Podbielskistraße 11 | D-30163 Hannover