Coach 折扣店为讲究时尚的女士和男士们提供了大量产品可供选择,价格优惠诱人。
这些产品系列由 Coach 工厂生产,包括女士手袋和男士皮包、小皮件、秋冬配饰以及太阳眼镜。麦琴根 Coach 折扣店中的产品还包括男女鞋履及外衣。
这些产品系列由 Coach 工厂生产,包括女士手袋和男士皮包、小皮件、秋冬配饰以及太阳眼镜。麦琴根 Coach 折扣店中的产品还包括男女鞋履及外衣。
RRP € 450.00
€ 239.00
Men's bag in different colors
2025-3-13 - 2025-3-16
Order in our store or conveniently via WhatsApp: Men's bag in different colors for only € 239.00 instead of € 450.00 RRP.
Contact store via WhatsApp now (RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 750.00
€ 229.00
Men's backpack in different colors
2025-3-13 - 2025-3-16
Order in our store or conveniently via WhatsApp: Men's backpack in different colors for only € 299.00 instead of € 750.00 RRP.
Contact store via WhatsApp now (RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 325.00
€ 99.00
Men's bag in different colors
2025-3-13 - 2025-3-16
Order in our store or conveniently via WhatsApp: Men's bag in different colors for only € 99.00 instead of € 325.00 RRP.
Contact store via WhatsApp now (RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 495.00
€ 189.00
Women's bag in different colors
2025-3-13 - 2025-3-16
Order in our store or conveniently via WhatsApp: Women's bag in different colors for only € 189.00 instead of € 495.00 RRP.
Contact store via WhatsApp now (RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 495.00
€ 209.00
Women's bag in different colors
2025-3-13 - 2025-3-16
Order in our store or conveniently via WhatsApp: Women's bag in different colors for only € 209.00 instead of € 495.00 RRP.
Contact store via WhatsApp now (RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Coach on the Online Shop¹
COACH 皮包 – 优雅的化身
Coach(蔻驰)始创于 70 多年前纽约的一座阁楼中,是最知名的美国奢侈品手袋和时尚配饰生产商之一,这一品牌始终备受追捧,其产品系列在 Coach 折扣店中应有尽有。设计师从旧棒球手套的表面触感中获得灵感,设计出了蔻驰手袋。这一品牌独一无二地融合了精湛的手工艺、创新设计和高品质的材料,从精制手工皮革到精选面料,因而备受欢迎。蔻驰手袋为全球时尚女性所追捧,其中不乏伊娃·朗格利亚 (Eva Longoria)、詹纽瑞·琼斯 (January Jones) 和瑞切尔·贝尔森 (Rachel Bilson) 等著名美国女演员。
Coach 折扣店为讲究时尚的女士和男士们提供了大量产品可供选择,价格优惠诱人。这些产品系列由 Coach 工厂生产,包括女士手袋和男士皮包、小皮件、秋冬配饰以及太阳眼镜。麦琴根 Coach 折扣店中的产品还包括男女鞋履及外衣。Coach 精巧现代的设计外观适合任何场合,最突出的优势就是其永不过时的风格和精湛的传统手工艺技术。
Coach 于 1941 年创立于纽约,这是这一品牌的起源。在初期,这个家庭作坊仅有六名工匠,专门制作男士皮具。厂主是一位热情的棒球迷;他从旧棒球手套的软皮革中获得灵感,这是所有 Coach 系列的设计基础。其产品设计独特、品质高端、实用性和耐久性强,因此迅速流行起来。最著名的要数七十年代推出的标志性 Coach 皮包“Duffle Sac”,在时尚界掀起了一股风潮。多年来,Coach 不断推出着新的产品类别,也包括目前可以在麦琴根 Coach 折扣店中所买到的各种独家系列。2011 年正值品牌创立 70 周年之际,Coach 首次落户欧洲,在伦敦设立了旗舰店。这一品牌正在全世界范围内不断扩张,Coach 依旧坚持着一贯的优良品质和精湛工艺。
** Coach Outlet Store Metzingen - 运营商: COACH Stores Germany GmbH | Eschenheimer Anlage 1 | D-60316 Frankfurt
¹ 在线商店仅提供德语版本。德国、奥地利和瑞士可以送货。