Le Creuset 品牌的魅力在于对食材原有风味的挖掘,这得益于铸铁锅一流的品质和独一无二的烹饪特性 除了享誉全球的铸铁珐琅锅,Le Creuset 还将自己的产品系列进一步扩大,推出了例如不锈钢锅和不粘锅、陶瓷器皿、具有不粘涂层的烤箱模具、酒具及其他许多类别。
除了享誉全球的铸铁珐琅锅,Le Creuset 还将自己的产品系列进一步扩大,推出了例如不锈钢锅和不粘锅、陶瓷器皿、具有不粘涂层的烤箱模具、酒具及其他许多类别。

Le Creuset
RRP € 39.00
€ 21.84
Set of 4 molds
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-30
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 235.00
€ 131.60
Professional pan 30cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 179.00
€ 100.24
Grill pan 26cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 36.00
€ 21.60
Baking tin 20cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 179.00
€ 100.24
Meat pot 16cm, 3ply
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 129.00
€ 72.24
TNS pan 20cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 27.00
€ 15.12
Mini cocotte Flint
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 115.00
€ 69.00
Kettle 1,6l
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 379.00
€ 212.24
Roaster 29cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 42.00
€ 23.52
Casserole dish 18cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 165.00
€ 72.24
Handle cassrole 18cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 169.00
€ 94.67
Cast iron frying pan 23cm
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 65.00
€ 45.50
Petits fours set of 4 cups 350ml
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 60.00
€ 42.00
Petits fours set of 4 cups 200ml
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 40.00
€ 28.00
Petits fours set of 4 ramekins
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 69.00
€ 45.50
Petits fours set of 4 cereal bowls
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 69.00
€ 48.30
Petits fours set of 4 breakfast plates
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
RRP € 45.00
€ 31.50
Petits fours set of 4 egg cups
2025-3-1 - 2025-3-31
Contact store via WhatsApp now
(RRP / manufacturer's recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).

Le Creuset
5 - 6 pm
On the Outletprice of selected articles
2025-3-18 - 2025-3-18
麦琴根 Le Creuset 折扣店
法国传统品牌 Le Creuset 自 1925 年成立以来便是设计、质量和创新的象征。不管是职业厨师还是烹饪爱好者都能在这里找到自己的心头之好。
Le Creuset 品牌凭借铸铁珐琅锅享誉全球。如今,该品牌将自己的产品系列进一步扩大,推出了例如不锈钢锅和不粘锅、陶瓷器皿、具有不粘涂层的烤箱模具、酒具及其他许多类别,展望着大有可为的未来。这五花八门的产品名录无疑让 Le Creuset 成为厨房领域的多面手,满足您从灶台到餐桌的所有需求。您是将烹饪视为一场体验之旅,从中玩味世间百态的烹饪爱好者吗?不妨前往 Outletcity Metzingen 的 Le Creuset 专卖店 一探烹饪的奥秘吧!
不管您相中的是哪款商品,都凝聚了 Le Creuset 的精髓: 有口皆碑的质量、永不过时的设计、经久耐用的传承 。随着高级厨具一起呈现在您面前的,是最先进的技术水平和经年累月的知识积累,是长达 30 年的售后保障,这是精湛的加工手艺和完美的材料质地所铸就的底气。
现在,您有机会在 Le Creuset 专卖店 以特别实惠的价格挑选心仪的商品, 尽情沉浸在 Le Creuset 令人眼花缭乱的厨具世界里吧!
Le Creuset 品牌的魅力在于对食材原有风味的挖掘,这得益于铸铁锅一 流的品质和独一无二的烹饪特性 。Le Creuset 产品不仅是您的一时之选,更是能陪伴您一生的传家宝。
铸铁这种材料非常沉重,而 Le Creuset 的铸铁锅则是市面上最轻的铸铁锅。铸铁在烹饪方面的优势很明显:这种材料能够将热量非常均匀地从锅底传导到上层,具有非常好的储热性,适合长时间低温炖煮。而炒锅和平底锅在中等火力时就会变得滚烫,因此它们更适合高温煎炸之类的操作。同时,得益于铸铁锅卓越的储热性,它们在烹饪过程中还具有节能的特点,这不仅有利于环境,也有利于您自己的钱包。
作为铸铁锅的专家,Le Creuset 没有满足现状,而是将触手延伸到新的产品领域。欢迎光临 位于 Outletcity Metzingen 的 Le Creuset 专卖店,了解不锈钢多层材料的厨具系列 。高品质不锈钢厨具 3-ply 由三层材料构成:内层不锈钢、具有电磁效应适用于电磁感应灶的外层铬钢和夹在其中的铝芯,确保热量均匀快速地从锅底传导至边缘。
Le Creuset 专卖店特惠出售高端厨具,带您踏上美食之旅
自 1925 年起,法国制造商 Le Creuset 便在烹饪和美食上大做文章,以出众的高端质量和新颖的产品创意占领市场。作为铸铁厨具的全球领先制造商,Le Creuset 承诺自己的高品 质产品享有长达 30 年的质保。
除了享誉全球的铸铁珐琅锅,Le Creuset 还将自己的产品系列进一步扩大,推出了例如 不锈钢锅和不粘锅、陶瓷器皿、具有不粘涂层的烤箱模具、酒具 及其他许多类别。重要的是,该品牌的所有厨具系列都适用于各种类型的灶,另外也都可以在烤箱中烘烤、在洗碗机中清洗以及在冰箱里低温储存。
除了这种种功能方面的优点之外,Le Creuset 品牌最受人追捧的一点还在于其丰富的色彩选择,让人过目难忘,引起内心深处的共鸣。黑珐琅、火山红、樱桃红、海岸蓝、奶油白等许许多多光彩夺目的颜色让厨具更符合您的个人审美,成为餐桌上一道亮丽的风景线。
欢迎前往 Outletcity Metzingen 的 Le Creuset 专卖店,以优惠的价 格尽情选购您中意的产品和颜色吧!该专卖店距离施瓦本地区的大都市斯图加特不远,无需车马劳顿,便有机会以低至五折的限时优惠价格体验到 Le Creuset 品牌的独家品质。