We have moved! You will find us in the Enzian Höfe next so Storck from now.
Motel a Miio
RRP € 597.00
€ 416.40
Madeira - set of 24 pcs.
2024-12-27 - 2025-1-31
For only € 416.40 instead of € 597.00 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Motel a Miio
RRP € 19.90
€ 13.90
Turmalina cup big
2024-12-27 - 2025-1-31
For only € 13.90 instead of € 19.90 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Motel a Miio
RRP € 49.90
€ 34.90
Butter dish in various colors colors
2024-12-27 - 2025-1-31
For only € 34.90 instead of € 49.90 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Motel a Miio
RRP € 49.90
€ 34.90
Butter dish in various colors colors
2024-12-27 - 2025-1-31
For only € 34.90 instead of € 49.90 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Motel a Miio
For all cups, mugs and glasses.
2024-12-27 - 2025-1-31
Pay for 5 items and get the 6th for free. Applies to all cups, mugs and glasses.
Motel a Miio
-10 % Extra
From € 100.00 purchase value
2024-12-27 - 2025-1-31
Get -10 % off the outlet price from a purchase value of € 100.00. Sale items are excluded.
Motel a Miio 快闪店 – 性价比最高的餐具、花瓶、马克杯就在这里
来麦琴根名品村的 Motel a Miio 快闪特卖店中找到最适合您家的高品质配件和餐具。 Motel a Miio以其手工制作的瓷器为您的家带来浓浓的地中海风情。 设计和图案充分显现出葡萄牙人对生活的热情。 来麦琴根名品村,探索Motel a Miio快闪店,发现热情的自己。
Motel a Miio的精美原创餐具
Motel a Miio 在麦琴根名品村主营的产品着重突出其色彩缤纷的釉面, 多色设计闪耀着彩虹般的活力。 杯子里茶和咖啡的味道也会变得更有风味。大量柔和的色调与干净的概念和浪漫的装饰相得益彰,完善了独特的色彩组合。 奶油色或黑色的盘子、杯子或整套餐具更可以为您的餐桌增添优雅气息。 搭配精致的金边、花卉图案或条纹等优雅细节。光彩照人的一天从光鲜亮丽的厨房开始。
Motel a Miio 快闪店中最不能少的就是色彩缤纷或纯色的花瓶。 一束新鲜的郁金香摆放在精美的花瓶中,整个家都会更加春意盎然!
麦琴根名品村的 Motel a Miio 快闪店位于毗邻斯图加特,以低至三折*的优惠购买最具有葡萄牙风情的高品质瓷器。
Motel a Miio Outlet Store**
** Motel a Miio Outlet Store Metzingen - 运营商: Motel a Miio GmbH | St. Anna Platz 2 | D-80538 München